How We Can Help Your Horse?
We all want our horses to be as fit and healthy as they can be, but what’s the best way to go about achieving that consistently?
Every horse is different. Their breed, size, age, history and environment all play a part in making your horse unique, as does their biochemical individuality. That’s why one horse will do well on a particular regime, whereas another horse may not. Obviously there’s things that are true for all horses. I think we can all agree that feeding them meat would be a bad thing, as would not giving them access to water etc.
Biochemical individuality is important to consider though, it’s why some people think of peanuts as healthy, while others would die from the slightest contact with them, and some people will suffer lesser symptoms like a rash or non fatal swelling. We’re all different and so are other biological beings.
One of the reasons you love your horse, is of course because of their unique personality. Once you get to know them, it’s easy to see how every horse is an individual. Unfortunately that means that there isn’t a 1 size fits all solution to how to keep them healthy and performing their best. That means figuring out the best way to keep them can be somewhat trial and error. There’s a fancy term for trial and error that makes it sound less like guesswork – Research!
The main difference between research and guesswork is the amount of background information and experience you have. Research is educated guesswork, it’s systematic, specific, controlled and repeated trial and error.
Using the SOUND System, is a great way to monitor the results and assess what’s working and what could be improved upon in your horse’s life. It provides greater clarity which then enables you to enhance or maintain the health and performance of your horse.
It’s easy to look back in life and remember when things were going well, or going badly, but it’s not so easy to recall the specifics of the situation. When things were great, what were you doing? What were you feeding? What was your approach to horse care? Who else was involved? Where were you? How much time was it taking? How much money was it costing?
Answering all these questions for the times when things weren’t so great is equally important. Then compare and contrast. What are the similarities and differences between the 2 situations? With all that information, you then need to assess its relevance and filter it to see what still applies to your new situation.
Doing that from memory isn’t easy, neither is doing it alone. Just Horse Sense methods work, by creating a team, armed with information and knowledge, all working towards making your horse as healthy and happy as they can be and getting the best performance possible for your situation.